Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How Do You Keep Score In Life?

I had the opportunity and privilege to participate with an organization by the name of Cornerstone Schools last month December of 2008. An acquaintance of mine suggested I go. I was intrigued by the invitation, so I didn't ask any questions and just scheduled it in my calendar. The truth of the matter was I had no idea what I was getting myself in to.

I pull up to Cornerstone school and parked my car. There was this buzz of excitement in the air that chilly Detroit morning and I had no idea what to expect. I enter the building and it is literally packed with adults in their winter coats, in this elementary school? There was some fruit available on a table and I could hardly get around - there was so many people. It reminded me of the good old days...high school dances; but this was nothing of the sort.

The other bizarre observation I made was everybody was so happy, hand shaking, hugging, laughing and calling each other by name as if they had known each other for years. I thought to myself, "Who are these people and what is going on here?"

What I came to realize after asking a few questions was that I was getting involved with the Cornerstone Partner Program. Well first let me briefly explain that Cornerstone School is a private charter school. As we all know Detroit's public school system is suffering. So what Cornerstone has arranged is a Partner Program, meaning adults are assigned students. You go to school every quarter and spend about a hour or so of your time with your student. Its almost like a mentorship. I could provide much more details about the program but I want to take this in a more profound direction...

Cornerstone accepts donations but to me it seemed that was not their top priority. Of course donations keep the private charter going, but what is really going to change and impact a child's life in this community facing so many challenges? The reason I do what I am doing in real estate in Detroit is because I want to fix a problem, I want to give my part in shaping the future of a city who needs it. Now, what if money was not an issue and we were able to buy every vacant foreclosure in the city of Detroit, rehabilitate it and occupy it with a family, would the city be cured from its problems?

Perhaps, but I doubt it. I feel that in order to help a community I need to help the people but even the children, they are the future.

So my question for you today is, "When winning at life, how do you keep score?"

Is it the amount of money you make each year? Or is it the time you invest in a community, family or child?

Which will have the greatest Return On Investment?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Do You Feel As If Your Wheels Are Spinning?

Last weekend my wife left the house to run a few errands. The day before we had received about 4 plus inches of snow, so the roads were covered. The day she was out, the temperature was well below freezing. The conditions were not ideal to say the least. Anyhow, shortly after she left I received a phone call from my wife informing me she had slid off the road and ended up in someones front yard.

But the whole story was she was only driving about 20 mph and out of no where did two 360 degree spins in the middle of the road and then hit a street sign - landing in a front yard. Thank goodness she was safe and no harm came to her, but the car did receive a blow to the body and a flat tire.

So as I ran this unexpected event through my head I thought of 'How could we have avoided this possibly devastating accident?', 'Did she slip out of control due to the risk I took of not getting new tires when the tread was practically gone?'

Well here is how this applies to you, me and life:

Do you feel as if your wheels are spinning?
  • What type of business vehicle are you using to achieve your goals?

  • Are you lacking some major traction?

  • Are you driving on thin ice?

  • Are you driving down the right road or are you totally lost?

  • What can you do if you lose total control?

These are all great questions to ponder about your life & business.

I want to narrow this down to the 3 most important things to consider in your life & business:

1. The Vehicle

2. The Tires

3. The Road

Go in for a Tune-Up. Evaluate these 3 things above and figure out which one is the most skewed and change it out.

Reap the success & happiness you deserve!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Success Is Not Calculated - It's Earned!

"Success is not calculated - it's earned," was a quote I heard on an audio cd of mine a few weeks ago. And what I would like to discuss today could get a little deep, so I hope you are up to it. I don't know what your goals and ambitions are for 2009 and years to come, but I want to become a millionaire this year. And while I am at it, I want to assist 7 others become millionaires along with me. Ambitious goal? Of course, but the opportunity has presented itself.

So here is the premise, "An admired & trusted colleague of yours - contacts you. He/she presents to you a business opportunity and explains: by investing some money & time in this business you will become a millionaire this year, guaranteed!"

Will there be challenges and obstacles along the way? Absolutely!

The only catch is, you have to invite 7 other non-millionaires to become millionaires with you.
  • First, they will not know that you are guaranteed to become a millionaire through this business in a single year.
  • Second, they will not know that they will become millionaires in a single year.
  • Third, no one can quit.

If anyone decides to drop out and quit; the entire model falls apart and everyone fails. So in other words all 7 individuals, including yourself have to work together as a team in order to make this venture successful and become millionaires.

So the largest hurdle you will face will be: Who will these 7 people be? And can you work as a team?

What traits are you looking for?

What is their passion?

Do they have what it takes to persevere?

Will they use their million for good?

How will they make the world a better place with this money?

One thing that I have needed to clarify with my wife is - money is neutral! It's what you do with it that makes it good or bad.

Have you seen Seven Pounds with Will Smith yet? I believe this is very similar in concept. Thoughts that come to me are, this appears to be a very simple yet profound opportunity. I feel one of the most challenging things to accomplish in life & in business is to be able to work as a team with a group of people for an extended period of time.

Take a look at an old post of mine on the New York Giants O-Line.

Either way...there is nothing better than the feeling of success when you work as a team, forget about yourself and put team first. Can you imagine the power of this very concept?

I invite you to please leave comments.