Friday, September 12, 2008

#1 Blogging in Detroit, Michigan - Are you for real?

Hi all! I'm pretty new to I have a lot to learn...but pretty much what you will be reading and learning here are the insights to my crazy business mind. I have been thinking for awhile now what exaclty I want to write about and I have some pretty cool ideas. Allow me to introduce myself. I was born and raised in Southern California. I know what you are thinking "Gee that sucks for you Travis...all those malls, beaches, people and terrible weather." I know it was tough...but I survived. Growing up as a small kid I wanted to be a scientist. Then in high school I got some sense knocked into me and decided I wanted to be a Game Warden in Idaho making a whopping $29,000 a year! (despite the fact that is more than I have made this year (2008) as a freaking bootstrapping entrepreneur - something I really don't want to discuss right now).

Anyhow, as a goal oriented individual I found myself in Rexburg, Idaho going to school at Ricks because I needed residency in order to attend the University of Idaho (for cheaper-I understood what bootstrapping meant back then-go figure) to pursue my career as a game warden. There in Rexburg or what I prefer to call it 'Iceburg', I met my incredible wife at the library, of all places. Its a great story...I will share it one day.

My point is, we eventually got married and right after our wedding of course, we had absolutely no money, so I decided to enlist us into summer sales for Moxie Pest Control. We did door to door sales in Houston, Texas selling pest control contracts to have people whose homes needed to be sprayed eradicating all their bugs. "The spiders and the ants are just terrible out here." Was one of our favorite lines at the door and the homeowner would be like "I know, tell me about it." Then I would close them.

That summer of 2003 in Houston, Texas I had my birthday and my wife Mary bought me this crazy book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki. At the time I didn't even know what a mortgage was let alone anything about business or real estate.

So we finished up our awesome summer sales job and transfered up to the University of Idaho...the college of my dreams to pursue my career as a game warden. Only one problem, the rich dad, poor dad got my wheels spinning. The other problem was my wife didn't even want to attend the UI but she came anyways to support me. The day I arrived I had a special chat with Mary and it went something like this, "Babe, I want to change my major to study Business & Real Estate?" She was not happy with me. Just as a note to all of you entrepreneurs out there, its difficult for our spouses to be married to us-just want to give you heads up.

So that was kind of the beginning, the first chapter of being, doing and becoming what I am today.


Millward137 said...

To My Older Brother Travis,

For all those who will read this account of my brother Travis Millward, I would just like to point out that when he sets his mind to something he will get it done; when, where, how and when are questions you just can't ask yourself.

I dig the blog. Let me know all your crazy ideas as they come up.

Theresa said...

Hey handsome, this is great...all your hard work will pay off soon. Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

Mr. Millward-

I am ecstatic and privileged to be the first very interested potential opportunist leaving a comment on your most exquisite website.
I have read your background and profile, everyone goes through the "Ups & Downs," when it comes to being an Entrepreneur. Albert Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge."

You have the imagination, and it takes a million tries until you can find that "Nich" your looking for. This is not failure, but learning.

The million attempts that it takes a person to succeed, are all ways that you eliminated of how not to succeed. You are that much closer to Prosperity.

Brother its your Brother Adam, hahaa. I hope I didn't just bust your bubble as a potential client but I thought I would give my sixth sense about how you are pursuing your career with the intensity and charisma that you have, in other words, IM JEALOUS.

I may not communicate much but actions are MUCH louder than words.
We all want to make a difference in life to the point that we will be remembered.
I will invent something one day or write a book.
I dont have the Charisma like you though. So its not actual that I will do those things.
I am basically saying YOUR THE MAN.
I know you will be filthy rich one day, you will be so ecstatic because this is what you have pursued with intensity and nothing can take that away, especially when you accomplish this on your OWN. Well brother I look up to you enormously and I cant explain it any other way. Love, Adam

Brady Life said...

Dear Travi,

What a fabulous blog! I love it and you are very witty indeed! I am so lucky to have 3 very talented, smart and of course handsome brothers! And with you leading the pack I am sure we will do very well.

I am so proud of you. You are doing great. It is not easy to pave your own road, but if you can do it, I am sure it brings the most joy.

You are an inspiration. Keep up the good work. You are a great husband, dad, brother and of course business man.

When I make my millions with the sale of my book, I am sure to invest all my money with you!

Peace out,

Your sister Jules