Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Success Is Not Calculated - It's Earned!

"Success is not calculated - it's earned," was a quote I heard on an audio cd of mine a few weeks ago. And what I would like to discuss today could get a little deep, so I hope you are up to it. I don't know what your goals and ambitions are for 2009 and years to come, but I want to become a millionaire this year. And while I am at it, I want to assist 7 others become millionaires along with me. Ambitious goal? Of course, but the opportunity has presented itself.

So here is the premise, "An admired & trusted colleague of yours - contacts you. He/she presents to you a business opportunity and explains: by investing some money & time in this business you will become a millionaire this year, guaranteed!"

Will there be challenges and obstacles along the way? Absolutely!

The only catch is, you have to invite 7 other non-millionaires to become millionaires with you.
  • First, they will not know that you are guaranteed to become a millionaire through this business in a single year.
  • Second, they will not know that they will become millionaires in a single year.
  • Third, no one can quit.

If anyone decides to drop out and quit; the entire model falls apart and everyone fails. So in other words all 7 individuals, including yourself have to work together as a team in order to make this venture successful and become millionaires.

So the largest hurdle you will face will be: Who will these 7 people be? And can you work as a team?

What traits are you looking for?

What is their passion?

Do they have what it takes to persevere?

Will they use their million for good?

How will they make the world a better place with this money?

One thing that I have needed to clarify with my wife is - money is neutral! It's what you do with it that makes it good or bad.

Have you seen Seven Pounds with Will Smith yet? I believe this is very similar in concept. Thoughts that come to me are, this appears to be a very simple yet profound opportunity. I feel one of the most challenging things to accomplish in life & in business is to be able to work as a team with a group of people for an extended period of time.

Take a look at an old post of mine on the New York Giants O-Line.

Either way...there is nothing better than the feeling of success when you work as a team, forget about yourself and put team first. Can you imagine the power of this very concept?

I invite you to please leave comments.


Sierra McCleve said...

Powerful post Travis! I know you will accomplish your goal.

Thank you for sharing.


Anonymous said...

Very deep content to start out the new year. Motivation always outdoes talent over the long run, so just keep at it:)


Travis Millward said...

Drew...very good point "motivation out does talent" there is no doubt about that!

Rachel said...

Follow the passion and purpose and you have already succeeded...

Given your posting, thought you also might enjoy this, compliments of www.tut.com:

"What you want, has no bearing on whether or not you'll get it. None. Nada. Zippo.

It's only ever a question of whether or not you can behave as if you already have it."