Saturday, March 28, 2009

Crossing the Intersection of Persistence and Opportunity

I have been thinking lately, why do I like certain reality TV shows so much? I have concluded that the shows that really get me going are those where a persons character is challenged. The type of show where people are forced to make hard decisions to become better people. The type of show where I get to witness the person cross the intersection of Persistence and Opportunity.

I'm sure plenty of you can relate with all of this. For example: American Idol, Biggest Loser, The Contender, Survivor and the Office! (sorry the Office was just a joke-its a funny show though) People on these shows have a goal and we get to witness a short part of their journey where all of their hard work just might pay off. When Persistence crosses the intersection of Opportunity.

It's almost as if you are in the trenches just working as hard as you can, then you look around and realize you are getting dirty, you are all alone and then you begin to doubt: Can I really do this? What if...? I've invested so much of my time, why has it not paid off yet?

But the best thing you can do right then and there is put your head down and persist. Shake the doubt, slap adversity in the face and tell him to get lost-because you are a winner and you are going to make it happen.

After so much persistence and hard work it's as if you arrive to the chasm. Imagine standing in a semi-lit location. Everything behind you is dark and right before you is a cloudy wall, you try to see what is ahead but you can't make it out. You don't know what is ahead-it doesn't matter though, because you wouldn't even begin to fathom what therein lies ahead; but your gut tells you to take that leap of faith forward. Trust your gut!

You turn around and look back. You don't see anything but darkness and you think to yourself, "Am I worthy to become what I desire in life?" You don't hesitate for a second. You know what Opportunity has in store for you; it's that one thing that you have wanted all of your life. You leap forward and cross the chasm, but you don't know what is happening, you don't know where you are going, you don't know what you are becoming.

Then BAM! You've done it. All of your hard work paid off, and after forging forward tenaciously on the road of Persistence you hang a sharp left onto the road of Opportunity. This is what I like to call the "Catalyst of Life". It's all you needed just one spark of recognition, of being noticed, the stamp of approval.

This is what happens to people on these shows, like American Idol, Biggest Loser & The Contender, the second they capture that Catalyst their old way of thinking is cut off and now their eyes are open. They see what Opportunity can provide.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

3 Feet From Gold!

As I journey through life, there are times when I feel so overwhelmed, that I sit down and look around, I blink and blink again trying to see clearly but my vision is blurred. Its hot and the pressure is on. I question my ambition and desire. I conclude that I am lost. What direction am I going? What do I need to do to arrive at my destination? Where am I? And how did I get here?

Have you ever been lost in an urban setting or in the wilderness? No, seriously...have you ever literally arrived at a location where you knew absolutely nobody and you had no idea where you were? Just think about that for a moment.

Do you know what that feels like? There has been a few times where I have been completely turned around out in the wilderness. Its pretty scary. I think the scariest for me is when I lose sight of my son for seconds at a time. I hate when that happens.

Right now I feel I am literally 3 feet from gold. I have worked so hard and have came so far but where am I? One day I'm on top of the world the other its as if I been kicked so many times-I'm down and don't know what to do.

I need an anchor, a bearing, a true north. In boy scouts I was taught to use a compass. In college I got into photography, night photography. I would go out after the sun had set and take long exposures of the starry night sky. They are called star trails - but the cool thing is when you shoot the north star, it doesn't move. Everything goes around it. Its beautiful.

We need to establish our true north and find someone who we can trust who can help us arrive to where we want to go. Its not going to be easy, but it will be worth it. And guess what? You can do hard things.

The conclusion I have come to is - when I make a lot of money what exactly is going to change? A few things but not much. So why not just assume the sale, be confident, be solid and believe in yourself. Know its going to come. Its only 3 feet away, you just need to keep on digging.

"One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when you are overtaken by temporary defeat. Every person is guilty of this mistake at one time or another." Napoleon Hill

Friday, March 6, 2009

Is Pressure Your Greatest Single Ally?

I was driving to work the other morning listening to this great audio series Winning Strategies. The man I was listening to Dr. David Cook - is definitely the man! And we was talking about pressure.

What he said hit me like a ton of bricks; the funny thing is the exact same thing was told to me by a friend of mine the day before, "Embrace pressure, it is our greatest single ally!" I did a double take when I heard this. I'm the type of guy that hates pain and I will do whatever is necessary in order to avoid physical pain. But pressure is different. Beautiful things are created from pressure.

Lately I have been struggling with moving forward in work - primarily sales and I have came to the conclusion that perhaps I have been purposefully avoiding selling because its pressure and it causes me to feel uncomfortable.

In order for me to realize my potential, I have to embrace the pressure. I need to walk the line. "Feeling a little pressure is practice for the big day. Pressure is your ally, not your enemy."

So I have decided to enter into the UPC, also known as the 'Ultimate Pressure Championship.'

It's time I walk the line and do what needs to be done.

How is it that we become better at what we do? How do athletes refine their skill? How do we compete and execute when the pressure is on? "We need to live it, to work through it, to perform in it, before we can become great enough to become the ultimate. Walking through pressure pushes us."

So what is the real deal? People are saying that the economy stinks. Personally I don't look at it that way. I see opportunity abounding among us. One thing that really bothers me is when people say, "Timing is everything." So due to the fact that the economy is tough, do you just wait until the timing is right to start your business?

"We don't get to control the environment that we perform in - but we are asked to do it in a championship level every single day." An economy you don't get to choose, a real estate market you don't get to choose, the value of the dollar you don't get to choose, a day and time you don't get to choose. What are you waiting for? My point is matter the circumstances we still need to compete. It's times like these when millionaires are made.

Are you standing in your own way? Embrace the pressure.