Friday, March 6, 2009

Is Pressure Your Greatest Single Ally?

I was driving to work the other morning listening to this great audio series Winning Strategies. The man I was listening to Dr. David Cook - is definitely the man! And we was talking about pressure.

What he said hit me like a ton of bricks; the funny thing is the exact same thing was told to me by a friend of mine the day before, "Embrace pressure, it is our greatest single ally!" I did a double take when I heard this. I'm the type of guy that hates pain and I will do whatever is necessary in order to avoid physical pain. But pressure is different. Beautiful things are created from pressure.

Lately I have been struggling with moving forward in work - primarily sales and I have came to the conclusion that perhaps I have been purposefully avoiding selling because its pressure and it causes me to feel uncomfortable.

In order for me to realize my potential, I have to embrace the pressure. I need to walk the line. "Feeling a little pressure is practice for the big day. Pressure is your ally, not your enemy."

So I have decided to enter into the UPC, also known as the 'Ultimate Pressure Championship.'

It's time I walk the line and do what needs to be done.

How is it that we become better at what we do? How do athletes refine their skill? How do we compete and execute when the pressure is on? "We need to live it, to work through it, to perform in it, before we can become great enough to become the ultimate. Walking through pressure pushes us."

So what is the real deal? People are saying that the economy stinks. Personally I don't look at it that way. I see opportunity abounding among us. One thing that really bothers me is when people say, "Timing is everything." So due to the fact that the economy is tough, do you just wait until the timing is right to start your business?

"We don't get to control the environment that we perform in - but we are asked to do it in a championship level every single day." An economy you don't get to choose, a real estate market you don't get to choose, the value of the dollar you don't get to choose, a day and time you don't get to choose. What are you waiting for? My point is matter the circumstances we still need to compete. It's times like these when millionaires are made.

Are you standing in your own way? Embrace the pressure.

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