How many of you had the opportunity and privilege to watch the reality TV show True Beauty? Despite the fact it was a little over the top for me-I have never seen so many conceited and vain people in my life, but at the same time I could always implement a little more confidence like our True Beauty contestants.
I will have to admit Billy Jeffrey was my favorite contestant and for those of you who didn't know, he is from Lewiston, Idaho! How cool is that? I went to college 30 minutes north in Moscow, Idaho. Anyhow, the point of all this...
So the purpose of the show was not to determine who was the most beautiful on the outside but who was the most beautiful on the inside! They determined this with the use of hidden cameras and providing situations where the contestants were tested on their choices. For example, Billy Jeffrey was on his way to the Hall of Beauty to plea his case why he should remain in the competition. So the limo guy drops him off and as he is walking into the building this 'bum' is crossing the street with his grocery cart filled with cans & bottles. Mind you, Billy is all suited up just about to open the door and this 'bum' crashes his grocery cart with cans, bottles flying everywhere!
So the question is did Billy stop to help? Whats weird is through all of these hidden tests, I ask myself "Would I do that?" And to be totally honest half the time I probably wouldn't have. So this shows concept has had a deep impact on me because I'm always looking to improve and become a better person. For example, a few weeks ago I went into Staples to purchase some large white paper and the tripod that would hold it up. There was one tripod made out of wood for $50.00 and the aluminum one was like $75.00. I went with the aluminium because it looked nicer and was easier to assemble. But I should have grabbed the cheaper one.
I was checking out with the cashier and she told me the total. And it seemed way low, but I went ahead and paid it. What I realized was that I was charged the cheaper price of the wood tripod for the aluminium tripod. So I'm assuming the cashier either messed up or whoever tagged the item mistakenly placed it.
So as I walked out of the store I thought to myself, "I failed that inner-beauty challenge."
so did the guy help the bum? You definitely sold me on that show man.
Yea, son, what happened to the guy and the bum? Well, did you go back and pay for the tripod? Did you pay your trustworthy clothier? Always remember to treat others the way you wish to be treated, live by principals that are correct. If promises are forgotten or broken the trust that has been built up faulters & creates backlashes.
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