Friday, July 16, 2010

What Are You Really, Really Good At?

Well it has definitely been some time now since I last wrote here in my blog. To be honest I have missed it and wished I had made the time to do so. On the other hand I have found it difficult finding the inspiration I did have, to write such dynamic posts. I feel that is the case because I was going through such a difficult time last year - I was able to really have a fresh perspective on things.

My post today is based on the following question:


I was having a conversation with some friends and this came up and he mentioned what he was really, really good at. And I sat there and thought and thought - trying to figure out the one thing that I was really, really good at. The honest truth about me is that I like to do a lot of things, so I tend to be average in all of them. But I have never chosen to focus on just one.

There has been a ton going on lately...Roger Federer, the tennis champion got bumped from the Wimbledon in the quarterfinals! The previous 7 years he was the dominating champion consecutively. What the heck happened to this incredible player? LA Lakers claimed the NBA championship once again (I'm not a fan at all) - so we will move on. World Cup Soccer champion team was garnered by Spain - their first ever in history. And now the Tour de France is about 1/3 the way completed and this last Sunday, Lance Armstrong has taken the biggest time deficit ever in the history of his cycling career. The cause? Unlucky...he was involved in 3 different crashes that set him way back. And as he was racing back to be with the peloton, right as he arrived, that is when they headed up in to a big climb. Needless to say this did not work in his favor.

Why do I even mention all of these athletic events? These teams or individuals are really, really good at what they do. Part talent, part persistence but the bottom line is they have what it takes to be a champion, not once but again and again and again.

Back to the real world. What can we learn from our most prized champions? Well if I personally want to be anything like Lance Armstrong with my hobby love of cycling or in the professional world - I need to:

One, be freaking confident (on the verge of cocky-that's a joke).
Two, in the midst of pain stay focused.
Three, don't get distracted by your opponents, stick to your game plan and your strategy.
Four, you must work as a team. Nothing is accomplished as an individual or a one man show.
Five, fear nothing.

I have been thinking what I really, really want to be good at. Something substantial, something you can see and I am really struggling to figure this one out. In the past, I was an ok student in high school, I did my best in high school soccer & track, went to college and was an ok student there, played club soccer. Got married and now I am a husband & father - which I love. I cycle now and my profession is in sales. I want to be the best husband, father & businessman - there I just made my mind up. And I would like to become a much better cyclist.

Also think about what you really, really enjoy doing? Lets not forget there are other people out there besides ourselves that we can help in the journey of life.

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