Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Burn Your Ships!

Fellow entrepreneurs! In times like these there is only one thing you can do in order to accomplish what you need to. And that is to burn your ships! As the wise Napoleon Hill, author of Think & Grow Rich once wrote – "allow yourself no retreat".

It reads:

"A long while ago, a great warrior faced a situation in which he had to make a decision that ensured his success on the battlefield. He was about to send his armies against a powerful foe whose men outnumbered his. He loaded his soldiers into boats, sailed to the enemy’s country, and unloaded the soldiers and equipment. Then he gave the order to burn the ships that had carried them. Addressing his men before the first battle, he said, 'You see the boats going up in smoke. That means we cannot leave these shores alive unless we win! We now have no choice – we win or we perish!' They won."

What an incredible story! Could you imagine what was running through the minds of those soldiers? The economy is tough right now for most, but for about 5% that tend to look at the 'glass half full' - the United States is a land of opportunity. You can make money in more ways than you could imagine only 10 years ago. And are you taking advantage of those opportunities?

Did you know the greatest fortunes are made during the worst economic conditions?

In the photograph above you see me and my father-in-law Steve. August of 2008 my wife and I decided to burn our ships. We picked up and left our comfortable home in Southern Utah to move to Detroit, Michigan. I am not sure when the last time Detroiters have seen someone move into their city-but we did. And as you can see that is our moving truck that we drove 2,000 miles across the country. My point being is that I am here in Detroit making things happen for my business. There are times I want to quit or give up...but I can't, I have no where to go, I have no retreat. What am I going to do-go get a job? I'm not cut out for j-o-b's.

Do what you need to do to achieve success in your business! Burn your ships and fight!

1 comment:

Pillar To Post Professional Home Inspection said...

Burning their ships, limited their choice, Die or Survive. During times of lean great innovation is discovered.