Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Principles Trump Technique Every Single Time

It has been three and a half years since I graduated college with a bachelors degree. And the majority of that time I have been self-employed. What I want to discuss is character. In life and in the world of business there are good and there are evil people and companies. When I say evil, I mean they simply are using you for a means to an end; and typically that is just to make a buck and move on. Whatever happened to repeat business?

When you think about it, these evil characters or businesses really don't have a sustainable business model at all. Its only a matter of time until the cards come crashing down. Just take a look around right now - there are huge, giant corporations simply disappearing. For the majority of those companies, it was their very own foolish greed that got in the way and brought the company to its knees.

So the question is, who do you trust?

Just the other week I was at a Section 8 Tenant Fair for our real estate company. And as I was waiting for it to get started, in comes this guy. He immediately strikes up a conversation with me and my associate. He begins to claim that he does real estate deals all over the country....on and on. And then I stepped back for a second and thought, "Wait a minute here, if this guy is what he claims he is, why is he dressed up like this?" His suit was homely. His pant legs were wrinkled around the knee. He was not shaven and he REAKED of smoke, I stepped away like 5 feet and still couldn't get away from his stinky breath. We then asked for his business card and he said, "I don't have one, I prefer to be more personal." He then writes down his email. It was a yahoo email address? What a joke!

Anyhow, it only took me about 30 seconds to realize this guy is just a swindler. His demeanor, vernacular and lack of knowledge of real estate was just not adding up.

My point is this, I can do business with the most intelligent, savvy & experienced individuals, but unless he passes the stink test - I'm wasting my time. Tom Flick once said, "Principles trump technique every single time." And what he means by this is - unless this individual that I am considering doing business with is someone I can trust, then I shouldn't even get involved. I'm just so sick and tired of scams, slicksters & swindlers.

Do you realize every decision you make on a daily basis is a reflection of YOU as a brand. Everyday you continue to create your reputation. It only takes one negative incident to completely ruin you and your reputation. Is it really worth it?

So what this all comes down to is character. I only want to be associated with and do business with those whom I can trust. I need to know if this person with whom I am considering doing business faces a predicament that he won't lie & cheat to attempt to solve the problem. Surround yourself with trusted advisers and colleagues. Life is too short to take shortcuts and hope you don't get caught.

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