Monday, December 1, 2008

Do You Demand Success or Survival?

I want to shed a little light on your situation right now from a brief 9 minute experience I had. I was listening to a John Maxwell CD today in the car. And he posed a very interesting question that provoked me. In essence what I concluded is that I need to plant seeds, many seeds in order to reap any degree of success. In other words, I need to give beyond expectation to my intended receiver.

Now, many years ago I was flipping through a book and this individual had listed off his goals. There were over 100 goals and they entailed a lot of travel and exploration nationally and internationally. This inspired me to think very big. But this was a very long time ago when I was in grade school. I have since let go of those dreams, until they were rekindled recently when I read The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss.

I have had many days this year of reflection as to why I have not be given more? Why have I not achieved what I set out to do? That was until I witnessed the video above. I can sit in self-pity and wonder why I am not or why I do not have...but the truth of the matter is I have been blessed beyond measure.

If you spent the 9 minutes to watch the video above you would have learned of an incredible kid by the name of Adam Bender. Adam is only 8 years old and he is having more success than the typical 8 year old kid. He is the leading scorer on his soccer team, he is the best quarterback his team has ever had, he is one heck of a slugger at baseball & a sound catcher. He is accomplishing all of this with ONE leg!

Adam Bender is an inspiration to me. Lance Armstrong once said that his cancer cured him of laziness. Folks, do you demand success or survival? What is separating you from the pack? What drives Adam Bender to be what he is today? And how exactly did he overcome his physical setback mentally? Do you really have it that bad? If not, then what can possibly hold you back if Adam Bender is out there having the time of his life?

Why can't I run a marathon? Why can't I complete an Iron Man? What is stopping me from reaching the level of success that I desire? I am more than capable - the only thing holding me back is...ME!

If I told you a 60 something year old man completed an Iron Man would you believe me? What if I told you that he not only completed the Iron Man, but that he carried his son the entire competition? Now, in retrospect...if this old man did that, I can definitely do an Iron Man, I guess it's all a matter of perspective. Take a look below:

YOU are the single most challenging obstacle to overcome. Choose to allow yourself to be successful. Implement discipline and most of all COMMIT!

What separates you from Adam Bender?


Rachel said...


Thanks for your big heart and commitment to possibility - for you and others. I am totally inspired today by Adam Bender!


Pillar To Post Professional Home Inspection said...

What a great post. Now I need to realize my possibility.

Anonymous said...

Great blog Travis. Your success is assured!