Sunday, February 22, 2009

Is There Purpose Living In Detroit?

I had an incredible conversation the other day with a friend. The dilemma that we both face is that we want to fix the city of Detroit, bad! So bad that we are willing to put our families and livelihood at risk to help the city of Detroit return to all of its glory. We want this region to be prosperous, exciting and successful. We want people to desire to live here and move here. If you are ever having way too good of a day in Detroit and need a little reality check-just turn on the news (this is a joke-by no means, whatever you do-do not turn on the news). We feel the need to remain living here to be a part of something great, a transformation & revitalization of the greatest city that was. So as you may feel right now, this is exciting and anyone with true desire would want to take part.

The challenge is the day-to-day. One day I'm up and pump, others these crazy questions run through my head, "Why in the world did I move here?", "Why am I trying to fix Detroit?", "Why am I living here?", "Is it really worth it?" It is questions like these that can break a mans spirit. You have one little voice on your right talking about the positive things in the preceding paragraph, then you have the other voice on your left talking about the negative things above.

Problem #1:
My friend expressed that he shouldn't even be living here anymore, due to lack of work and income (mind you, this is coming from a very positive, upbeat guy who is on the team of fixing Detroit-I was appalled). He said he should just leave the state and move to New York for work. And I thought to myself, 'That's a valid point'. But I felt he was missing the picture. I feel we all suffer from this and that's identifying our problems and attaching them to a location. For example, the economy has been better, right? My friend, myself and all of us are all going through our own challenges whether they be financial, spiritual, personal relationships-the list goes on. My friend feels that by moving from Detroit to New York that all of a sudden his problems here will disappear and things will be great again. Granted he may get a better paying job in New York but living in New York could just bring a whole another slew of potential challenges. The real question is will he be more happy living in New York AND will he have a divine purpose for living there?

Here's the thing, I moved to Detroit from the west coast seven months ago. My family thought I was crazy and the friends that I have made here think I'm crazy. The deal is I had no purpose for living where I was. The only purpose was selfish. There was no drive, no cause, nothing to join forces with people and go fight. The other problem-I was comfortable, which means I was getting lazy. When I say lazy I mean, I took things for granted, I wouldn't help others, I was selfish, I was a fool.

Here in Detroit that is all there is to do, purpose, cause and fight. We are joining forces, figuring out how to work together and combating the issues at hand. Solutions need to be created and leaders need to emerge and lead. Without this occurring, this city could very well end up similar to the stomping grounds of Will Smiths New York in "I Am Legend", deserted, dismal and deathly quiet.

Problem #2:
Why move to New York for work when we can make money on the internet living from anywhere we want? People, the last time I checked we are living in the most advanced age of technology. There are so many different ways to make money it's silly. The challenges we are facing today are allowing us the opportunity to put down our guard and come together as a region, help your neighbor and give back. We will fail miserably if we don't work together.

Problem #3:
Every inspirational movie I have seen is a story of persistence. What good is an inspirational movie if the main character quits and gives up. Excuse my language, but if that happens I get pissed! The same goes for you, don't you ever, ever give up. Quitting is for losers and you are a winner (especially if you are reading my blog). This is the way I look at it. I burnt my ship, I left my house, packed up and moved my family across the country to Detroit. I can't quit, I can't give up, I can't return home and tell my parents that I didn't have what it takes to be successful. I simply can't quit-its not an option, its not a thought, I can't even fathom the concept of quitting. I've embarked on the craziest and the wildest journey of my life and I will be victorious. But you know what?...all the more exciting the story. The truth is WE all are creating our own story. Don't be the person who quits-no one will watch that movie, those movies suck.

Do you know what we all need a little of? Hope. Lets make this happen, so when the evening news anchor Brian Williams reports, "As unpredictable as it may seem, people are moving to Detroit in droves. A few key leaders have emerged and played a huge role in the city's revitalization efforts. The number of vacant houses of declined significantly and employment has skyrocketed. Even the Lions are winning games."


Mark H said...

First step in saving the D ( yes I live in the city) is finding the stakeholders who will support the govt reform necessary to get city working again. too many pols are lining their pockets at the expense of our town.

Kevin Kunz said...

We don't think you are crazy!

Robert Cummings said... are Crazy!!! But being crazy is what we need to break out of our shell of complacency. If you're not living, you're just existing.

Keep on doing what you're doing and stay positive!

If there's anything I can do to help, let me know.


Anonymous said...

Love this blog entry. I've seen dozens of people give up on this city and I've always thought the same thing you said. Do they really think their problems are going to be different in any other city?

Keep fighting the good fight!