Sunday, March 27, 2011

When was the Last Time your Reached for Something?

When was the last time you actually reached for something, actually physically challenged yourself or stepped out of your comfort zone? A goal, a position at work, an accomplishment, a physique, a competition or try something new.

Are we falling into mainstream mediocrity? There isn't one thing that I hate more than mediocrity. Why should we just settle for the crappy job? No, get up and go fight for what you want! Why should you just settle for being 15 pounds over weight? No, get up and work out every morning and go get it! Why should we just settle for living paycheck to paycheck? No, stop bleeding spending on things you don't need - create a spending plan, be disciplined for once in your life and save your money.

There are a couple areas of my life where I am reaching right now. And there will be a few more in the next month or so. The main one would have to be work because without the money, that pretty much eliminates the majority of the things I want to get or do from my list. So focus #1 is income. I'm in sales as a commercial insurance agent. My prospecting involves making X amount of calls every week. Now, how am I reaching to increase my sales? Well, my main focus is to be consistent with the number of phone calls I do every week. Because there are weeks where I lose focus, fall behind. This requires planning out my day.

Something else that we are reaching for as a family is getting our personal finances in order so we are prepared for the future. For example, we want to have $6,000 in an emergency fund, we want to buy a house in a few years and we want to be able to go on a family vacation each year. From the little I have experienced in my short life of 31 years, I have realized that it is not what you make it is what you keep after you make it. Granted, it is nice to make a decent income, but in all reality, those that have a good sized house, with the new cars; the majority of them are living paycheck to paycheck as well unfortunately.

The last thing I want to share is I am reaching to spend quality time with my 3 boys and wife. Life can get so busy with so many distractions (television, dvr, sports, cell phones, texting) that it is as if I go to work, come home, be with the kids for two hours, put them to sleep - start over. The weekend arrives and it is over so quick. So instead of allowing the winds of life to push me around, I am going to fight back. My son's love to explore so this spring we are going to purchase a GPS and go geo-caching all summer to explore this beautiful mountains we live near by.

The bottom line here is sacrifice now for a better tomorrow. Don't become mainstream mediocrity. That is not what you want. Be disciplined, be consistent and for heaven sakes, start your career, settle down and go after it.

1 comment:

Mitch said...

well spoken. I needed to hear some of that. Take care bro.