Thursday, December 11, 2008

Am I Driving Dangerously Forward in Impossible Pursuit?

"His seizures have subsided with now evidence of permanent cerebral damage, but I’m concerned that this experience will have a lasting effect. Agent Mulder undertook this treatment hoping to lay claim to his past; that by retrieving memories lost to him, he might finally understand the path he’s on. But if that knowledge remains elusive, and if its only by knowing where he’s has been that he can hope to understand where he is going, then I fear Agent Mulder may lose his course; and the truths he’s seeking from his childhood will continue to evade him, driving him more dangerously forward in impossible pursuit."

I've got to admit that my wife and I are X-File junkies. Two years ago I purchased all 9 seasons on DVD for my wife for Christmas. But I want to discuss what Scully has shared with us in the quote above.

Mulder's lifelong pursuit is to discover the truth. And he has lost something very dear to him, something he desperately needs in order to solve a mystery. He needs memories that were lost to him. When was the last time you lost something that you were willing to put your life on the line? Do you take your memories for granted?

Up until this point Mulder had been the rock in the partnership with Agent Scully. And what he is experiencing now is something that I experience all too often. Where am I? What am I doing? What am I trying to accomplish right now? And why am I doing this? What path am I on and where exactly am I headed?

I got slapped in the face August of 2008. My entrepreneurial ventures were not panning out, I was going on months without an income, my wife was pushing me to go get a job, I was confused. "What happened? What went wrong? How do I fix this? I don't want a job. I don't want to give up on my dreams." The list goes on and on. So I was faced with a decision. I could remain where I was residing or I could move to where I was doing business. And that place was Detroit, Michigan.

I was buying foreclosed homes from out-of-state in Detroit. With no money coming in for months; how were we suppose to move 2,000 miles across the country? Where there is a will there is a way! We literally showed up to Detroit with $2,000. And all of that was going to go towards was a security deposit and rent.

So the packing of the moving truck sucked in 100 degree weather but the move was exciting. Then after arriving, my focus was to raise additional private capital from private investors to purchase more houses. Lets just say things were not going according to plan. So I had to reflect. Am I driving dangerously forward in impossible pursuit? (just how the quote states above) Isn't that what everyone does? The answer to that question is NO. I feel the only people willing to do anything extraordinary are those who know their purpose, who know their why. It's entrepreneurs like ourselves that make this world interesting. Just imagine all of the boring stories there would be if nobody took risks.

Its the level of risk that makes the story unreal. Who exactly is moving to Michigan right now, let alone Detroit right before winter comes? (my hand is up) The way I have risked everything to be where I am now has probably not been the smartest move - but it was the situation that I was in and I needed to take action.

I want you to know that every headache, sacrifice & piece of stress I have experienced has been totally worth it. If you take risks, I promise you, you will be rewarded. It only takes one success to make it happen. All you need is one!

I beg of you, never give up. Do whatever it takes to accomplish the desires of your heart. Anyone will tell you its not possible but that is their world. Our world is limitless and when someone suggests its not possible - for me that is simply an invitation to a challenge. Go out there and prove them wrong!

Deep down inside what is it that we all desire? What is it that drives us to do what it is we do? Why do we sacrifice so much as entrepreneurs to achieve that success? Agent Mulder risked his very life for this precious, but rare commodity. The truth is out there...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Travis, excellent post that leads to pondering thoughts. I believe that questioning is an essential part of the process. The person who does not "check in" is in danger of running off the road. We have to examine where we are and ensure that we have not gone off course or in some cases (as you did) we may need to adjust our destination. However when we are at peace and our actions and purpose are aligned, magic truly happens. It isn't easy but if it were, anyone could do it! :-)