Thursday, August 27, 2009

Family Is a Lot Like a Fist!!

Ever since I graduated high school I have been away from home (as in living in other states or out of the country). Immediately after graduating high school I left the country to go serve a 2 year mission for my church in Caracas Venezuela. After returning home, 6 months later, I left for college. At school I met my sweet heart and we were married. We moved to Houston, Texas for a summer door-to-door sales job. Then we transferred schools up to the panhandle of Idaho to the University of Idaho. Upon graduating we moved to Saint George, Utah where two of our sons were born: Dominic & Cash. We then moved to Detroit.

Some say I’m running from something others see it as me pursuing my goals. I was born and raised in southern California. I loved it there. I am very independent and wanted to venture out, explore and see what the world had to offer. But lately I have had a change of heart. It has been 11 years now since I have been very close to my family (physical distance wise). After living in Metro Detroit for 1 year I have realized how important quality of life is to me and family.

I will admit I miss my parents and I miss my siblings. It's time to venture back...

A friend of mine gave me an audio CD the other day of a live recording of Frank Abagnale. Ever since I saw "Catch Me If You Can" I was always intrigued with his story. He never does interviews and very few actually know this mans real story. Well on this special occasion of this live recording he personally shares his story.

At age 16 he was pulled out of class and taken to a place to meet his parents. He had no idea what was happening. His parents weren't there to meet him outside, they were already inside. So the doors swing open and he is escorted into a court of law where his parents are getting divorced. The judge greets him and then asks Frank Abagnale of his two parents with whom he was going to choose to live with.

He did not answer the question and ran away never to see his parents again for 7 years and that is what started his journey.

The following is a very powerful excerpt from the live recording that really hit home for me that I would like to share with you, this is Frank Abagnale sharing some of his wisdom from what he has learned from his life:

"To put life into perspective is to put it into one word. Why we exist as a human being, is not difficult to understand, for life - the meaning and the essence of life, comes down to one simple word called family.

"Family is a lot like a fist, the most powerful force on the face of the earth - together; but when you separate it, it slowly deteriorates and eventually it falls apart. I’m here to tell you that success comes to anyone who tries to achieve it, honestly, ethically and straight forward. But success is far from everything. Materialistic things anyone can buy, money anyone can obtain, but your family is something God gave you and gave you to cherish and to build and is the most important thing you will ever have in your life. You are a fool if you put anything before your family.

"Two people brought you into this world, two people raised you in this world; who only until you become a mom and dad and know how much you love your own children will you ever understand how much they loved you and sometimes it is a little too late – they are already gone.

"I never admired a man much for his money; I’ve never admired a man much for his intelligence. What I admire in a restaurant is when I look across and see a man with his wife and his children. A man who loves his wife, loyal to her, a man who is there for his children and for his family all the time. For in the eyes of God, as in the eyes of all human beings, the man who puts his family first above everything else is by far the most respected; the most man of men that there is."

So there you have it. This is coming from a man who never got to see his father again after that day he ran out of that court room. His father passed while he was in prison in France. This is a man who was placed in a prison in France that was 5 feet by 5 feet by feet. He was not told how long he would serve in that prison, that was part of the punishment. Frank was 6 foot 3 inches. He couldn't see his own hand it was so dark. He never saw a soul while in prison and never sun daylight. He lost 100 pounds in 6 months and left that prison not able to walk.

Enjoy every single day you have on this earth - take advantage of it - live it to the fullest and don't sit around and wait for anything! Go get it.


Mitch said...

cool trav...we are stoked to finally have you around!

desertortoise said...

I love those quotes! thanks for sharing and we'll miss you here in Detroit!